Brad & Alisha Crawford

I (Brad) serve as a structural engineer and engineering manager at Engineering Ministries International. Three times a year I also lead teams of design professionals on two-week mission trips overseas to developing countries to help design orphanages, medical clinics, schools, worship centers, water projects, and more. I also help manage the recruitment of new European volunteers at the UK office and coordinate projects targeting West Africa, East Africa and India. Additionally, I have worked with Mercy Ships in West Africa on their hospital facility improvement program, providing designs for upgrading the water, power and sanitation systems at the primary government hospitals in Sierra Leone and Guinea. Alisha and our three boys are busy with school and adjusting to life in England.

Affiliation: Engineering Ministries, International, a non-denominational organization of architects, engineers, surveyors, and construction managers who donate their skills to serve the poor in developing countries around the world.

Click Here for a brief video on the history of Engineering Ministries International.

How you can help:

  • Prayer: Pray that we will be effective in carrying out the work God has planned for us in England. For our latest prayer needs, follow our journey on our blog:

  • Financially: For all donations write "CRAWFORDS" on the memo line and for checks be sure to make checks payable to 3Crosses.


Rick & Carrie Maples