"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20
About Global Missions
Our 3Crosses Global Missions Ministry exists to transform the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ in fulfillment of The Great Commission.
We have a 3-Fold Gospel Missions Ministry.
Good News Updates
So often, we witness amazing stories about how God is moving all around the world. You can receive one of these miraculous stories right in your inbox every week by subscribing to our Good News Updates!
Support an Indigenous Pastor
You can support an indigenous church planting pastor, sending them into full time gospel ministry from the country of your choice for $50 per month.
Support an Indigenous Project
Projects are the tools that Indigenous Pastors use to advance the Gospel. You can help provide things like transportation, Bibles, and construction to reach even more people with the love of Jesus.
Career Missions
A career missionary is an individual who has received a clear call from God and confirmation from an approved missions agency/denomination to serve with a life long commitment on the global mission field.
Short-Term Missions
Advance the gospel through a short term missions trip! A short term missionary is a member of 3Crosses who senses a call to serve for one year or less with an approved missions organization and has been approved through our short term missions application process.
3Crosses-Approved Short Term Missions Organizations:
Operation Mobilization • Cru • Youth With A Mission • Teen Missions Intl. • Footsteps Missions • C&MA • Samaritan's Purse • Global Frontier Missions • Rancho Genesis • Engineering Ministries International