Joining a group is a great step to take to grow in your faith among a community of believers, whether it’s large or small.
Mid-Sized Communities
Be a part of one of these communities that meet regularly, but not in small groups. They’re a great way to get connected into a mid-sized community before you dive deeper into ministry-specific gatherings and groups.
Our monthly men’s gathering is an easy way to step into a great community of men! Join us in the Chapel every 2nd Tuesday to have a light meal, hear stories of faith, and learn how to live the meaningful life God has for us. Sign up for childcare online.
Join us monthly for an evening of both connecting with the women of our church and fostering your life in Jesus! Following a time of connection and fellowship, we will delve into meaningful teaching and discussion centered on pertinent topics that resonate with women today.
Community Nights (Seasonal)
Our whole church family is invited to come together weekly and grow in communities! With programs for all ages, it's a great opportunity to get equipped, deepen your roots, and connect with others over the 12-week season. Plus, come early to enjoy a delicious dinner! Learn More
Our new discipleship program Re:Gen is designed to help you grow closer to Jesus by addressing the struggles and distractions that can hold us back every day. Over the course of 9 months, we’ll engage in weekly meetings, bible study, and a small group community as we take steps toward a renewed faith.
We are a growing and diverse community of adults from all ages and stages of life! Being part of a broader community like Generations offers unique opportunities for guidance, mentorship, and support as we gather together and learn from each other's various journeys through life and faith. Learn More
Young Adults (3CYA)
Sundays, 6:30pm • Chapel3CYA is a place for young adults to find the real Jesus in real life! We gather as a community to worship, learn from the Bible together, and discover how we can live for Jesus in all that we do. Learn More
Equipped 2 Care Focus
2nd Sundays, 11:30am-1pm • ChapelJoin us in the Chapel every 2nd Sunday as we grow in walking with others through the struggles of life with wisdom and love - one topic at a time. View our next topic and register
Table Talk
Sundays, 9:30-10:30am • Room D2Table Talk digs into the scripture and finds truth that challenges you to live rightly for Christ. Join Randy Magee on Sunday Mornings at 3Crosses. Learn More
Mabuhay! (Filipino Community)
Last Sundays, 11:30am-1pm • Room D3Join Mabuhay!, our Filipino community, as we gather for potlucks, picnics, and events in an atmosphere of love, encouragement, and fun. We also connect through activities like hiking, walking, bowling, and biking, and encourage you to get involved at 3Crosses and on Mabuhay! teams. Learn More
Life Groups
Life Groups welcome you to explore God’s word together, discover unique ways the Holy Spirit is moving in each group member, encourage one another to become more like Jesus, and learn to use your unique spiritual gifts to build up our community and multiply!