
Stitch is an English teacher at a university in China assisting undergraduates, post graduates, PhDs and adult learners with improved language proficiencies. It is strictly prohibited to participate or conduct religious activities within university parameters; Stitch shines the good news of Jesus Christ indirectly through his efforts in quality lessons, curriculum development, international exchange networks, social gatherings, and countless friendly encounters.

Stitch quietly supports local and foreign brothers and sisters in Bible studies, educational seminars, gender/age targeted ministries and various fellowship activities. Recognizing his spiritual giftings in administration, encouragement, and discernment, Stitch furthers the Kingdom of God by daily listening to the Holy Spirit and obeying the calling in a land where "the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” Matthew 9:37b

How you can help:

  • Financially:  For all donations write "STITCH" on the memo line and for checks be sure to make checks payable to 3Crosses.


Bill & Teri Drake


Tan & Thuy Nguyen