5. Share the Gospel + Life Group Discussion Questions

Week 5 • Day 5

One of the interesting subjects that often comes up in the era of Joshua through the reign of King David is the repeated mention of the conquest of Israel’s enemies. The question that often arises is why does the Old Testament God seem so violent when he orders their complete destruction? This week, our videos take on one of the most challenging objections to the Christian faith.

Share the Gospel Video:

Week 5 Life Group Discussion Questions

Icebreaker: What is your favorite action scene in the Bible?

Question: What observations / reflections / or prayers stood out to you about this week?

Joshua: The conquest stories of Joshua illustrate the final elements of God’s rescue mission from Egypt and the return of God’s people to His promised place. However the conquest stories of Joshua illustrate that God’s image-bearers still need a restored heart to rule in a way that loves God, loves others, and obeys His rule. Joshua leaves us wondering: would the serpent use the small opening of surrounding nations to destroy the Israelites?

Questions: When sharing the Gospel, how would you reconcile God’s love and God’s judgment, especially over the complete destruction of the people group of Canaan?

Judges: God wants us to obey His rule, to be amongst His family of people, and to enjoy His presence in His kingdom place. As image-bearers, we have been given delegating ruling power to bless the nations and to spread His glory in every square inch of His cosmic temple. Yet we are prone to compromise, distraction, disobedience, and our very own thrones under the serpent kingdom. However, we serve a God that, despite our failures, continues to work out the gospel of the kingdom in which God’s people are rescued from all enemies, returned to God’s kingdom place, and restored as rulers who love God and love others because of God’s reeestablished rule over the serpent!

Questions: Where have you seen the downward spiral of sin in your life that is similar to the book of judges? When sharing the gospel, where might someone else see a downward spiral of sin? How would you tie this downward spiral into a presentation of the gospel?

Samuel and King Saul: The life of Israel’s first king leaves us yearning for a new type of king chosen by God (instead of “asked for”) from the tribe of Judah (instead of Benjamin) who was going to be humble enough to faithfully follow God’s command and act according to His “knowledge of good and evil” in order to reestablish the rule of YHWH. The life of Saul is yet another story that makes us desperate for this king who would crush pride in order to open the escape hatch of restoration from the serpent kingdom back into the kingdom of God.

Questions: What are the things that you see people grasping for as an escape from their sin? Using this list of things, what are the ways that you can point to the coming Messiah?

King David: The story of King David is one that foreshadows a king of complete humility and total obedience. This is what it means to be “after God’s own heart”. Since David succumbed to the serpent kingdom, we await the one who would restore our crippled hearts so that we may dine at the table of God.

Questions: Who do you know that may need restoration? How can you practically offer them God’s mercy and restoration as a representative of Christ?


1. The Golden Age of Israel


4. The Promise of an Everlasting King