Paulette Richardson


Salvation Experience

I have been a Christian since I was 12 years old. I babysat for the couple across the street from us. They took me to their church in Bakersfield and I accepted the Lord there. I have always attended church no matter where we lived. My parents did not take us to church. If a church was close to us, we went there. If a bus came by, we went to that church. My mother's father was a minister. My father's father was a minister. Maybe that is why they did not go but they always let my brother and I go to any church we wanted to go. I was baptized when I was in high school. When I was in high school I went to a church in Alameda. They took us to Oakland to see Billy Graham and I rededicated my life there and then I began to grow in the Lord.

What I want the next generation to know is that your Christian life is not easy or a straight line. It all adds on to each other. Don't give up, but continue to grow. Read your bible every day. Memorize scripture that speaks to you.

Key Scripture

My favorite verse is John 1:1. “In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God and the Word was God.” It means that the Word was Jesus. He always was, is, and is to come. You can pray to Him each and every day, and all day long. Did you pray about it? Is the first thing you should do when you have a problem, whether it is "where did I put .....? or find a parking space, or pray about my kids or siblings. When you tell someone you will pray for them, please pray, don't forget about it. When God tells you to pray for someone, brings someone to your mind, pray for that person. You never know why God told you to pray for them, you may never know, but pray anyway.

If you are a senior and would like to submit your testimony, we invite you to contact us for details on how you can participate. We would love to include your story!


Marjorie Johnson