Sally Holt


Salvation Experience

At age 8, my mom died. During school breaks in the next 3 summers, our dad sent my twin brother and me to Percy Crawford Christian Camp in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania. There were 3 separate camps for adults, boys, & girls, but there was also a common meeting and campfire area. It was there that each of us said “yes” to the gift from our Lord Jesus. We returned to Brooklyn, where we lived. Each Sunday Pop would give us each a dime to put in “the plate,” as we faithfully attended Sunday School at the Evangelical Church of Peace. At age 12, for Pop’s health, we subsequently moved to Miami, Florida, and joined the First Baptist Church of Miami, where my brother and I were baptized together. It was there I joined the choir, with my step-sisters (my dad had re-married ). Soon my high school church pastor changed to the relatively unknown Charles Stanley. What a blessing. After graduation I attended a university 500 miles from home, no longer in a circle of believing friends and family. Tuition started at $75/semester! The next 4 years were spent as an RN in the US Navy Nurse Corps, with exposure to good experiences & new worlds. I moved to California and attended/examined many churches. Eventually, the Holy Spirit led me home to 3Crosses, praise the Lord. “Seek and you will find.” Matt 7:7.

a. I think a common feeling in new believers is guilt. As I grew from teen to adult, I experienced this uncomfortable feeling often. When I went away to college, I confess I put that out of mind. My advice now is don’t! God was very patient with me. Do what it takes to keep growing in the Lord, & don’t let Satan have his way. Charles Stanley has said “It doesn’t work when Satan is your defense attorney!"

b. We act the way we think. Make friends with someone who understands the Word of God. Speak with a Christian friend or pastor, if you have questions or concerns. Exchange verses, prayers, encouragements. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart & lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, & he will make your paths straight.” Prov 3:5-6.

c. When you choose to believe in Jesus as divine Savior, accept his promises as commands eg, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14: 27. Commit to nurturing your personal relationship with God, through study, humility, gratitude, and in prayer, as your will yields to Jesus in your life daily.

d. Forgive- “Carry each other’s burdens.“ Gal 6:2, Col 3:12-15. God wants us to depend on Him. As humans we are weak. He knew that when he told us to bear each other's burdens. We may need to ask Christ to enable us, to forgive as he forgave. As we are in a forgiven state, how could we not do the same?

Key Scripture

Ephesians 2:8-9 “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.” This tells the why, the what, the how, the requirement, and the exclusions. It motivates me to feel thanksgiving and to want to “produce fruit” by sharing. It is my prayer the reader will be blessed by also choosing to accept this “gift of God.”

If you are a senior and would like to submit your testimony, we invite you to contact us for details on how you can participate. We would love to include your story!


Sharon Breedlove


Roger Decker