
Youth Summer Camps
This summer, a couple hundred middle school and high school students are heading to the beautiful Hume Lake for a week to connect with each other, hear Gospel messages, and have fun!
Youth Disney Trip
Join 3Crosses Youth for a fun trip down to Southern California! We’ll spend a full day in the Disneyland Resort Parks, have an afternoon exploring San Luis Obispo, and stay at local churches along the way.

Youth Movie Night Fundraiser
3Crosses Youth is hosting a Lion King movie night to raise funds for their upcoming outreach trip! Enjoy the movie on the big screen with food and drinks available for purchase. Get your tickets at the door—$5 for adults, $3 for children.

Omegapalooza (Fall Classic)
Join the High School ministry on Tuesday nights throughout October for a Battle of the Genres at Fall Classic! We'll have competition-styled games, fun pre and after parties, incredible worship, and guest speakers!

At our Dessert Auction & Worship Night, our middle school and high school students lead us in a worship night and auction off delicious desserts and baked goods made by our community!
Everything donated in the auction and online below raises funds for student camp scholarships, helping more students attend an amazing week of growth, community, and fun.